Friday, August 12, 2011

If the old 100 yuan note can have one more head, who do u think would be? Deng Xiaoping?Zhu De?Chen Yi?Peng De?

In every denomination of China's currency, Mao has two heads, unfortunately the smaller head is too small to be seen. Poor fella.

I am having terrible anxiety attacks in the middle of the night? How can I make them stop?

Recently I have been waking up fine but when I try to fall back a sleep I have terrible anxiety attacks and cannot fall a sleep for anything. I close my eyes and just as I'm about to drift off to sleep I feel terribly anxious and find myself gasping for air and shooting up to a sitting position. I recently had a baby and this is who I wake up at night. I wake up to feed him, he goes right back to sleep and then when I try to go back to sleep this happens and can go on for hours. I don't know if it is worth mentioning but I am taking percocet with acitometophen 4 times daily as well as celebrex once a day for a bad back injury I sustained in December. Why do you think this is happening please help I am exhausted. Thankyou

Is my Parakeet EXPECTING?

okay, i have a male and female parakeet. from the beginning (couple months ago) they've always been super close. ive seen them clean each other, sing to each other. ive seen the male get really excited when ive had them separated. But as far as i can tell ive never seen any signs of them mating. When i got the female the person at the petstore said they would only mate in a breading cage ? and that youd see them mate (he pretty much promised me this lol) Anyways, today i took the cage from the window and noticed that the house i bought them 2 months back (with nesting material) that all the nesting material had been thrown from the house to the cage floor in a ball. and there was white feathers every where (from the female) The female has never been an active bird, thats why its weird to wake up to this lol. anyways my only other question is could she be expecting? im not really sure, like what are some signs of her being preg. also if being pregnant is NOT the case, then why was all the nesting on the cage floor? thanks in advance.

I need mice information please!?

hey first of all mice r awsome sadly i lost one today :'( i wouldent recomend useing fleece as mice pee and poo anywere! mine love there weel so thats a must and yh they can be given pretty much anything :P

What champion should I try in League of Legends?

So, i usually use either Cassiopia or Jax but im not even that good at them. Honestly, i've tried many many champions and still cant find one im good at. Some i've trien and kinda failed at are Ashe, Miss Fortune, Ryze, Master Yi is so-so. I know that people have certain playing skills and I'm hoping that what i said was enough to come up with something.

Pregnant rabbit is not moving? HELP!?

I have a pregnant rabbit bt I am not sure of the due date. She is defo pregnant as I have felt and seen the babies kicking. And have palpalted her. Since she has been coming on my bed and lying around and rolling up in a ball and just sitting there for hours and very really eat and touch her food? She doesn't move around a lot and she isn't eating much? Bt wen its dark she is quite active? I'm quite worried and wondering why she doesn't move or eat much in the daytime and why she isn't using her cage? Help?

What do you do with your mouth while making out?

so im really scared about making out with someone because i know ill mess it up! every time i look up how do you make out, its all about how you get to that point. i want to know what you do with yi=our mouth and tongue..... thanks(:

How do I convert a vector from cartesians into polars?

I have the vector V = yi (where i is a unit vector in the positive x-direction), how do I convert it into polars? I know I can use y = rsin(theta) but what happens to the i-unit vector (I want to get it in terms of r and theta unit vectors)

Hamsters fighting. One is very VERY afraid of the other?

So today I bought two Dwarf hamsters from the pet store. They were in the same cage with a bunch of other hamsters. One is very little, and the other looks like it's almost an adult. I've been home for hardly two hours and they've been fighting every now and then. It's almost like the big one is picking on the little one, and now every time the big one comes near her she freaks out and flings her paws back. Every now and then they'll sleep together just fine, but I don't know what's up. They're both females. I want to say the older one wants to play (she's really energetic), but the younger one may be intimidated by her. Or maybe it's a dominance issue? Not quite sure. Help?

What to do with the soul survivor of a pair of bonded parakeets?

This happened to me a few years ago. I had a bonded pair of budgies (parakeets), but the female died of egg binding. The male was very depressed after that. We tried talking to him, feeding him his favorite foods, playing with him and included him in family events (eating dinner, playing cards). Less then a month later, he died. We believe it was from depression, but he was also old. I think the depression weakened him and he died of a heat attack on July 4th. We had other budgies, but I just think he was so sad about his mate. Try keeping your budgie happy by doing the things we tried with our budgie. I would also advise getting some another budgie to keep her company.

Am I depressed or not?

Okay so I'm not sure if this is depression or just teen crap. I'm 15, I have anxiety over everything, I am always down, I always just fake happy around others, my stomach is always upset, I have pains in my rib cage that the doctor says is nothing, I always overly think about every small mistake I've made, I can't fall asleep, I hate leaving my house and want to stay in all the time but I feel like a loser if I do, I don't like doing anything, and I pace constantly. I've felt like this for a couple years, but it is becoming more and more constant. I just want to be left alone. I can't even remember the last time I was really happy. Is this what most teens do, because most of my friends love going out and are generally happy. So depression or not?

Should I make a bird cage?

pretty self explanatory but what should I use, I am getting a cockatiel so what materials, and wire and stuff to use,what shouldnt I use, and how should I make it? I am going to make it 18x18x24.

Critique this excerpt from my horror novel and would you keep reading?

It's good, but it didn't quite catch my eye. That might be because horror isn't really my thing. I noticed there were some errors in your spelling as well. Overall, it was very good and catching!

Start of a story. Is this good?

I like it! I don't know exactly where I would go with it, but I do have one suggestion. I liked the first time you used the term "frigid". But the 2nd and 3rd seemed overused. Other than that, perfect! I loved it!:) Good luck!

I believe my puppy has a respiratory infection. he is on two different meds but now he cant breathe.?

Should I take him back to the vet? They thought he might have had puppy distemper but tried to rule it out with the infection. It's been about 2 weeks on meds and he is more playful but still lethargic. Now he is gasping for breath and while sleeping he shakes with every breath of air, like its hard to breathe. He cries all the time too. I just feel like the vet doesn't know what's wrong with him.

How do you deal with a large rib cage?

Ok I am pretty sure nothing can be done about a large rib cage, but will I ever grow into it? I am rather on the small side. I have really small feet, I am a size 4-5 and I am going into the 10th grade, everything else is small too like my hands and stuff. I mean for my age and all. I was one of the shortest students in 8th grade, but I was slightly taller then most or the same height, if you don't count the guys, in 9th grade. Which was really weird I guess all the short kids were in the other middle schools. Anyway I have a large rib cage and I hate it a lot. It makes it really hard to get dresses cause I can't zip the dress in my size once I reach my rib cage and most of the time when I go a size bigger I am too short for the dress or the bust is too big for me.

Algebra Homework Help Please!!?

Yi-Pei can fold the laundry once in 100 minutes. Charles can fold the laundry once in 110 minutes. If they work together, how long will it take them to fold it once. Round to the nearest minute. Please explain work.

I need help on the right cage for my degu's?

im getting 2 degu's and ive seen a cage i like its the critter 3 tier cage i need to know if this is suitable as i think its all mesh wiring and when ive been reading about degus the can get bubble feet from this help please i want to decide on the right cage on the read uo for the cage it says it is suitable for degu's

Will trimming a cat's claws prevent them from ruining your furniture with their scratching?

nothing wrong with cutting cats claws my vet always does it when she sees my cat for whatever reason and i do it myself too. unfortunately doesn't stop em clawing furniture! my cat is done often and still claws my sofa and stair railing grrrrrrrrr i did get her a scratch post but she never uses it, great fun ayy

What sounds does your man make and what does his face look like?

My boyfriend is very cute and has a really hot body and when he have sex he makes sweet sexy gasping sounds and his face looks so cute and vulnerable. Do you like how your man looks during sex? What does his face look like and what noise does he make?

Help! My lovebird has suddenly turned on my family! Read info?

We got him three weeks ago and he was six year old, He was hand reared and was fed baby bird food off a spoon, and ate seeds out of his bowl. He was so cute and loving for the first 2 weeks, I couldn't not be with him for like an hour except for being asleep. last week I went away for 5 days too Nsw and Mum spent every second with him instead of one day when she went to work and I got back last wednesday and he was so happy and jumped on my finger, and was so quite and cuddly and gave us kisses. The next day he suddenly turned weird, started biting and holding on, chirps constantly, doesn't let us touch his back, or scratch his neck, he will just bite, and when we give him kisses he just straightens up and leans backwards. Is he scared of us or something we do? I can't think of what we've done wrong. We went out 2 days ago too buy him a happy hut bird bed, and he sleeps in it and he's very warm, we also got him a mirror with little bells he can play with. We let him walk around the house but now he doesn't leave his cage. He's just so selfish and mean now.

What to cover bird cage with?

we'll be getting a quaker parrot soon and are wondering if there is a specific material we should use as a cage cover. i know we can buy one made for bird cages but will any fabric do?

Is this a Yeast infection?

You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Calculus HELP PLEASE! Find the rate of flow outward through the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2=9?

A fluid has velocity field v=3(-yi+xj+1zk). Find the rate of flow outward through the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2=9

Why do I wake up in the middle of the night?

my brother has the same problem hes scared of everything he is also 13 he sleeps under the kitchen table :( i know right i think you nees to go to a phycologist i think is what they are called my bro sure needs to see one but my mom doesnt belive anyways or get a night light i have to have one and im 15 and for noise get a fish tank or something that makes a low noice or hamster lol mine sure made noise! good luck

How to get Syrian Hamster out of cage?

I've had him for a week & half now, & I need to clean the cage, but I can't because he won't come out and go into the ball. I tried putting food in my hands & waiting, and other things, but he still won't. How do i get him out, as i need to clean the cage soon. Also, why is he biting the bars instead of the chew toys inside?

Congo African Grey Parrot Information?

So I have been the proud owner of a cockatiel for about 9 months, his name is ZaZu and we get along quite well. But lately I have been wanting to get a bigger bird, so I've been doing research and I think that the Congo African Grey is the best for me. But there is a few things I'm worried about. The first thing is that i don't want to totally forget about ZaZu. He was my first bird, and I've seen people have multiple parrots and they all seem to get the attention they need, but I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to do that. At first, when/if I get the Congo, I think that ZaZu wouldn't get as much attention as he does now because I'd be training the Congo. But, ZaZu does get out of his cage ALOT. He's out for very long periods of time throughout the day. Another thing is that I got ZaZu from a local pet store, and he was in a cage where people could just reach in and try to grab him. So, as a result of that, he is terrified of my hands. He steps up onto my hands with no problem at all, and lets me pet him every now and then, but it's very rare, so I would want to get a very young congo that way I could start from scratch and that way this one wouldn't be so scared of being pet like ZaZu. But ZaZu does let me kiss him and he cuddles with me every day. Another thing, where would I be able to get a young Congo African Grey in Indiana (preferably around Newburgh which is in southern Indiana) I want one thats less than a year old, and was hand fed as a baby. Also, how much on average will I be spending on getting the cage, bird, toys, food and etc.? I'm going to get a job soon and I want to have an idea of how much money I'm going to need to save up. I probably won't have the money for it for at least a year. So I have a while to do my research. One last thing, would it be safe to have the Congo and ZaZu out at the same time? I'm worried that since the Congo is so much bigger than a cockatiel, that it would pick on him. Also, will you please suggest some names? I'm thinking that I kind of like the name Roscoe. But, like I said, I have a while to decide on anything. Any answers, advice, and information will be greatly appreciated.

Problem viewing 4 on Demand on MacBook Pro?

I've had a MacBook Pro for about 4 years. Yesterday, I bought a new one and went through the normal set-up etc (already knowing the MBP made this easy) and this morning have attempted to watch something on 4OD and *gasp* it doesn't work :( I haven't changed my internet service provider, I dont have adware or pop ups blocked, I've cleared my history, I've checked to make sure I've got the last flash player and I've tried it on Safari, Firefox and Chrome. The page loads normally and shows all the programmes but there is no play button option and no option to skip that episode and play another one - none of them play :( Everything I've googled suggests its a flash player problem but like I said, I have the latest of everything. I've checked all other online players such as YouTube and BBC iPlayer and they work perfectly, any ideas?

My hamster is dehydrated, how to rehydrate?

My hamster is dehydrated because her bottle leaked and she didn't have water for a day. Now she is rolling on her back and very disoriented. She has spasms of moving quickly and then just staying still. I already filled up and placed several water bottles with vitamins in them around her cage and gave her a leaf of lettuce and a few apple slices. Is there anything else I can do to help her recover, it's already been 5 hours and she's still a little disoriented.

My heart has been feeling funny!?

Ok i have all ways seemed to have this thing wrong with my heart i think it maybe be excited related its like when i really think about it it happens and lately its been randomly showing up i will be sitting down and then when i get up my heart will be pounding and i will be gasping for air and have to stand still and let my heart slow down. im 16 and 140 pounds its really started one time after i smoked weed i am done with weed for good after i freaked out at my friends house and had to go to the hospital, and i all ways have this itch felling in my heart i have seen a heart special lest about this but it seems that nothing is wrong help?

Twisted Fate or Pantheon?

Should I get Twisted Fate or Pantheon in League of Legends? Right now I've got Kennen, Vlad, Poppy, and Yi. I've narrowed it down to these two champs cause I'm good at ranged as well as being a melee/assassin. Which do you recommend and why?

I woke up not able to breath, like i was getting choked.?

BAHAHAHA no man ghosts aren't real, their figments of our imagination used to explain things we don't fully understand or haven't learned. You probs just havin an asthma attack or something. That or you actually do have a medical condition which you need to get checked out.

How to handle my leopard gecko?

I've had my leopard gecko for at least 2 months now. I take great care of him, but I honestly don't think he likes me. I'm not sure how old he is, but he's grown since I bought him and he was really young then. He's already started getting paler and has many spots already. I've handled him a few times when I first got him but one day he decided to hiss at me. Last time I held him when I was cleaning his cage, he jumped out of my hands and hissed again. He hasn't bit me, I want to avoid that if possible.

Why would someone do this ?

my "so called friends"whilst at camp they got my teddies which are really special to me and they put them in my crushes cabin and i had to go round at 10:10 pm in my pjs with messy hair and ask the most popular guys at school if i could have my teddies back after at least 10 min of tormenting one of the guys told the others just to quit it and give me them but instead jack the really perverted most popular guy grabbed it and shoved it down his pants and i just gasped and held back tears then he said u can get it if u want it i would never in 10000000 years put my hand down there so i said no and he just laughed and left me there at the door for 10 minuets crying he finally gave it to me and you know what my friends said oh stop crying you baby at least now you might grow up a little i had to wash my teddys in the sink in the bathroom and then that night they put my hand in walm water which made me wet the bed and they even told the teachers why would some one do that i mean jack ? and my friends ?

Guinea pig lost a brother...but didn't crash about it...yet...?

Just give him all the extra love you can. You may not see a grieving period, per se, as they weren't in the same cage together.

And the Neil Lennon ranting goes on and on and on.....?

Just go out and have a few beers rangers fans and enjoy yourself. Forget about Neil Lennon. You've won the league FFS. On yi go FFS...........enjoy it!!!!

Can anyone tell me what this means? 10pts to the best answer:)! thx?

Well, I think he likes you. But is in deep doubt whether you like him, and well he's not able to say/ask so. :)

Waking yourself up from a dream?

Sometimes, when I have dreams, I can sense something horrible is about to happen. So,while in the dream, I start gasping and can hear myself yelling to wake up and when I do, my eyes shoot open and sit upright quickly and feel like I've just submerged from underwater, I gasp and I feel like I've been holding my breathe. It feels like my heart stops for a while. I don't know if this is normal, I'm pretty sure a lot of people can, but does it take a good mental strength to do this, or what does it mean, what is it?

How to get my dog to not be afraid of outside?

Our dogs are in a cage on the porch. We let them out several times a day. One of our dogs, often refuses to leave the porch because he hates thunderstorms and loud noises. We have had a lot of thunderstorms lately, and as the Fourth of July is tomorrow, there is a lot of loud noises. Sometimes we have to pick him up and set him outside and run to shut the door so he will stay out. Then, when he is out, he will often just sit by the door. It's unhealthy to hold in urine and waste, so what can I do to make him be comfortable with outside?

Questions about pleuricy?

As a result of chemotherapy, I developed pleurisy around my heart and lungs. It is extremely painful. I can only walk a few steps, and then I start gasping for air, and I feel like I am dying. I can't take the Naproxen that is usually prescribed, because I am on blood thinners. I am worried about developing pneumonia, because I can't take the anti-inflamatories, and I keep coughing up a bunch of stuff. How long does this condition take to go away? Are there any home remedies I can do to help?



What do you think of the beginning of my story?

I know I would read it. It sounds rather interesting the way you are able to draw the images into my mind so easily.

Ferret care, do I have everything?

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How to break up with your boy friend ?

you should really just talk to him and tell him how u feel about him controlling you and how u feel like its just a physical realtionship, im sure he wont accutly commit sucide i dunno waht it is with guys they think with saying that they will keep the girl around but if anything it makes it worsse for them, so all u can really do is eaither talk to him about how u feel and tell him it needs to change or you tell him u cant do it anymore taht u need some space for you

My daughter wants a pet what should I get her?

Its my daughter first pet (That's actually hers we have a dog) it has to be in a cage or tank like a rodent reptile something like that please she said she will take any pet i get her? ( It's for her birthday but she has wanted it for 2 months now)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you deal with an overly defensive spouse or person?

It's been the same thing with my fiancee from day one, and I've learned to deal with it, but sometimes it's too much. The problem I have is that he is overly defensive about everything. He overreacts over the smallest most insignificant things and I could never understand why. He use to be worse but I still don't know what to do in these situations and it's getting to me now. Example, a regular noise outside would cause him to jump and gasp. We've never watched a scary movie together not once in 4 years he can't take it. When we first met I was having a bad day and told him I was feeling sad, he replied in a rude and defensive way "So what, you're saying you don't want to be with me?" This is when I first noticed he had a problem. Today he was going somewhere and he came back about 20 minutes later again because he forgot something and all I said was "You're taking too long" He was going to the park to play basketball, but if he takes too long the courts fill up and he gets home late. He turned around angrily and said "I had to cook for you!" The funny thing is that he didn't cook. He never cooks, I cook everyday. Today was the first time I have ever asked him if he could help prepare something to eat because I was suppose to be studying for a big exam. AND, he didn't cook, he boiled some hot dogs, but that's beside the point. My point is I can give example over example of how he overreacts about everything and is always defensive. Like one day he was trying to plug a DVD player and some other equipment to the TV and all I asked was "Do you know how to do it?" He overreacted and said "FINE, do YOU want to do it??" I was like oh my god it was just an honest simple question and he's like "Well you're saying I can't do it!!" My god, he overreacts for everything. When I talk, I'm being normal but he says it's the way I say it. But it's not me because when I ask, I'm calm and really just asking a question or making a comment and he gets all crazy about it. Even at the grocery store he was really rude to the bag boy the other day and he said that the checkout stand guy was being a jerk but he wasn't! Why is this man so overly defensive and how can I get through to him that he's overreacting all the time? If I try explaining this to him he insists it's me. I know it's not me because one day my mom asked him a simple question when he was at her house. She asked if he had seen some soap or something. He got defensive and said he didn't take it but would replace it for her. He was already thinking she was accusing him of stealing it! Even my mom couldn't understand him. It's just too much. Again this is just a few examples out of hundreds. Why is he like this?

Anybody know any good Kiwi Jokes ?

Surprisingly, here in Australia we are far more intelligent than to use humor to denigrate people based on their race or the country they come from. Clearly you missed this in preschool, I would suggest you repeat this part of your education, as clearly you don't play well with others.

Male or Female Teddy bear hamster?

Sex with this breed of hamster means absolutely nothing!! Both sexes with proper handling and care will make great pets. The males smell ALOT more than females though! So if smells an issue, get the female.And never house 2 syrians in the same cage EVER! They will kill each other!

Gastro problems for a month?

My husband ate a hamburger (medium-well) about 3wks to 1 month ago. By that night, he had been complaining of stomach pains and went to the ER (abnormal!). Doctors told him, every since, that they don't suspect it to be from the burger. He's had blood drawn, symptoms discussed, and is not awaiting his appointment to see the gastrologist. He was put on nexium and phenagen for nausea but he is a police officer so he cant take it while at work. His bowels did some chaging, and he has not been eating things except light grilled or baked foods, a side salad occassionally, activia yogurt, and drinking water. He's lost 7 lbs since, says now that his stomach does not hurt, but rather soreness on his left side by his rib cage and in his pelvic area when he gets full or uses the bathroom. His family has a history of GERD and acid reflux, indigestion, and doctors all say its just a bad cause of gastritis. Can any MEDICAL professional help us?!

How do I know if I have excercise induced asthma?

I can't run very fast, or for a very long time. I get pain in my chest and hips and start gasping for air. This only happens during running for more than 2 minutes.

Ridiculously low Gpa; Honest chance at these colleges?

I think you are well written and confident. If you work hard on your applications and essays, plus go for interviews at your favorite schools, etc, you have a great chance of getting into a college. Your test scores are great, and there's not reason that you shouldn't be able to get into a four year university. Possibly consider pouring your heart into some of your essays (if the question/prompt permits) to kind of explain, if you will, your GPA score just so you stand out of the pool of applicants. But personally, I think you sound like a very intelligent student, and you can go far. Take your time and put thought into your applications. Best of luck to you. I definitely believe in you.

My pregnant rabbit wont make a nest?

She is a mini lop and tomorrow she will have been pregnant for 31 days so i guess she should have the kits tonight or tomorrow. But she hasn't even made a nest yet! about 2 weeks after being pregnant she pulled out a tiny bit of her fur and it looked like she was starting to make a nest but then i had to move her into a different cage so i put as much of her old bedding as i could into the new cage with her so she still has that tiny bit of fur she pulled out, but that's it! I have bred her before and she made her nest after about 2 weeks of being pregnant and everything was fine. I know that she IS definitely pregnant. I have tried giving her more hay but she just goes a bit mad and tries to eat it all really quickly! Can i have some advice please? What am I doing wrong? What should I do? Thanks x

Do you think that as a result of the Edison-bulb criminalization of 2014, 0bammunist agents will raid...?

...K-mart's offices and will sue them and force them to change their mascot from the current Mr. Bluelight (which is modeled after a *gasp!* Incandescent bulb!!!!) to one of those god awful curly-cue lightbulbs that Algore wants you to use? The bulbs which will KILL you if they are broken and look ugly as hell and put off the ugliest electric blue lighting and take forever to heat up. I don't know about you, but I'm NOT sitting on a pile of cash and I can NOT afford to pay $40 dollars A PIECE for one of those shitty lightbulbs. I stock up on lightbulbs everytime I leave the house. I already have hundreds of boxes of Sylvania 60 watt Incandescent bulbs in my basement.

Question about my 10yr old male blue front amazon?

My 10 year old male Blue Front Amazon (Rio) has been more and more unfriendly in the last year. I have had him since he was 10mos old. He does come out on my command although he squawks. Today he has flashing eyes fanning out tail talking and mumbling. He does that periodically and I leave him alone. Tonight when he came out he was not displaying that behavior in the bird room but he flew on Bia's cage (my Rose Breasted Cockatoo)who is very sweet and friendly and started to attack him!! Full fledged attack!! They have been out together in the same room since Rio was a baby. Bia screamed and I got bitten getting Rio after Bia. Rio then flew wildly around landing on my back a couple of times which he has NEVER done before and going after me! Then before I could sweep Bia back into his cage Rio was back at him. I finally got him on his own cage and literally forced him in with a thick perch. Both birds are ok although poor Bia is traumatized. I am speechless!! I spoke with my bird guy specialist several months ago about Rio's unfriendly nasty behavior and he told me that Rio might benefit from a one bird home with a single person. A gal did come to see him but he was of course not at all interested in even looking at her. So now I don't feel I can place him with anyone! I am thinking of having him euthanized. I am not kidding. I can't keep him here and know my other birds are safe and I can't place him knowing what he can do. I am desperate to hear any feedback before I make the next move. I will call my bird guy too but his shop is closed now and won't open til Tuesday.Thanks Lisa

Can a woman carry her pregnancy in her back as to not really even show being pregnant?

i had a urgent car walk in doctors exam but she wasnt an ob/gyn and i think she was just a nurse practitioner but anyways i went in cause the last few days i have felt early fetal movements like i did with my other babies when i was pregnant early on the last pregnancy i had was our twins and i felt them just like my other 2 pregnancies at around 12 weeks but i am wondering if because i carried twins 40 weeks and they both weighed 7 pounds each and had more placental water in each of their bags that my uterus is really stretched out and thats why it wasnt obvious to the NP that examed me, even after she did the exam i told her i had a rear tilted uterus and babies have been known to grow into the back more and i also lost my bottom spinal disk last october so i wonder if thats also keeping uterus from being felt by her, altho i am showing when i stand up now and i can feel a tight uterus often and baby is very active and i also have some gas here and there but its very different and the difference between the gas and fetal moving is night and day! has anyone reading this had similar pregnancy or know anyone that has or any ideas please thx..btw i didnt want another child our youngest are already in middle school and we ride motorcycles alot and a baby now isnt what we wanted and so my point is i know some women get phantom pregnancies but that doesnt apply to me cause i had light bleeding last month and i thought it was my period and i was so relieved and happy i thought i wasnt pregnant but then few days ago i started feeling that undeniable thumping in my uterus, i gasped and my heart sunk with fear of being prego again, but i told my hubby whats goin on and he said if we r prego then we will make it work but this is a really bad time with all the crap going on in our life and our plate is overflowing! plz comment but be kind thx ya'll!1 chassi k

Do you like these Welsh names?

Love them all except possibly Ieuan because my friend was called that and he got really annoyed when people mispronounced it, we lived in Wales at the time and people still said it wrong :)

What episode does Yi Jeong realise he's in love with Ga Eul?

I was just wondering in which episode [Boys Over Flowers] does Yi Jeong realise he's in love with Ga Eul.. :)

Why are run-aways punished by the law?

Because it is generally assumed that anyone under the age of 18 isn't mature enough to make major life decisions for themselves. This assumption is almost always correct.

Bin Cage questions materials?

What am i suppose to put on the top give me what its called or what i should search on like canadian or something k thanks

Why is there a bump under my left breast?

It is like on my rib cage, just right under my left breast. It is kinda hard, like a bone when i press it. under my right breast is flat.

Swelling and pain on left side right at bottom of rib cage....?

This is a touchy subject for my husband and I. Dr.s aren't giving us all the answers we feel we need. About 2 months ago my husband became deathly ill, he contracted a horrible MRSA infection which led to sepsis and pneumonia. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks and had to have surgery and chest tubes to drain 4 liters of fluid from his chest. He just ended 6 weeks of IV antibiotics for this particular illness. Every Dr. he sees says it's a miracle he survived. It's all thanks to the good Lord's love and grace. However...he has gone back to work (too early) and works very long shifts. He now has pain and swelling on the opposite side underneath his rib cage. He has had no fever, no other symptoms other than this pain. The ER said he was fine...blood work great and did xrays. They stated that all the muscles, nerves and bones are connected and the pain and swelling from the surgery (opposite side however) may travel and cause discomfort. His own primary Dr. says she doesn't know what it is either...she sent him for shingles testing! Which it's obviously not. I'm afraid for him...he is a strong man but something isn't right here. I don't have big faith in these Dr.s due to it was the ER that sent him home saying he had a viral infection that would pass in a week...had I listed to them, he would died in my bed! I took him into a different ER 2 days later and by that time his liver was basically failing and he was in fact dying. He has come such a long way through his healing...don't want to just let this go. Has anyone ever heard of this? It may or may not be connected to his previous issue. Would appreciate any insight as we look further for answers in a 3rd, or possible 4th opinion!

Is our new ferret sick?

He is a few months old. Was litter box trained almost immediatly. Recently stopped using the boxes so we were re-training him assuming he was just showing his butt. Now all of a sudden he has been having really runny stools, and wont even get up! He will lay right where he was laying, fart, and have a runny bowel movement all over himself! He was eating ok until a few hours ago and now hasnt touched his food or water, and is sleeping in his litter box. Can anyone tell me whats going on with him? He seems pretty lethargic right now but was playing fine earlier. Keep in mind hes been caged for a bit since having these nasty runny stools and not using the boxes. Im worried about our Little Dude!

I might get robo hammies cage ideas?

Well i was told barred cages (even ones with thin barring) are out of the question for roborovski hamsters so can you recommend one without barring incase i get robos? it can't be any bigger than 40x49cm but can have second floors.

Do you think I could make this into a book? and is it good or not?

It's good, don't get me wrong, but I found it a little.....Choppy. Some short sentences are good, but using them repeatedly can sometimes be a dangerous thing to do. Also, some of the comas are in the wrong place, but I shouldn't be pulling you up on your grammar, because it certainly had potential. And yes! I do think you could make it into a book! And it is very good - I do like the personification about the pain at the beginning, and some of the sentences that roll, such as 'There for me to grab, to make mine.' the coma in the middle of that sentence was a good decision!!! :) :) I know the review is mixed, but I just wanted to help!

What do you think of my story?

I love it. Mostly because I'll read almost anything with vampires and I love that you used my name for it. I know it wasn't intended for me, but I still think it's awesome. But you might need more detail if that's it for the chapter. But other that that, Love It!!!!!

What is the political ideology of Sun Yi Xian? - read additional?

I am doing an assesment. I believe his political ideology was Nationalism. But this assesment reqires 6 powerpoint slides worth of information and i am confused about exactly what to put in these. I can see a little about his Nationalism but not enough for 6 slides. Could someone give me a summary or link me to something summarised or give me something to follow. Thanks.

Big dogs, small dogs~ aggression~?

just find a home for her without any big dogs, she should be fine. some small dogs are intimidated by bigger dogs, and the poor little thing is probably shell shocked, she has went from being outside her intire life with no interaction to inside with these HUGE (they seem like a huge threat to her) dogs coming at her, she is just trying to protect herself. just let her know that its ok, and dont bang her cage it will only intensify her behavior. just let them fight it out...a little dog cant do much to your bigger dogs. and when she stops and calms down give her a treat and then she will realize...if im calm and non aggressive around other dogs then i get food! yummy. thats how dogs work. i hope i helped!

Pregnant Bunny? Help please?

I had a bunny have one litter and she pulled her fur out and made her nest relatively close to when she gave birth. I saw her doing this about 2 nights (for those days, almost all of the nights were spent building the nest with hay, fur, whatever was around for soft bedding) before actually giving birth. She's a holland lop and she had 5 kits (gestation was about 1 month). I'm guessing since yours is building away already, the babies are about to come in the next day or 2. Good luck!!

Can anybody help me to find the flux?

F(x,y,z) = xi + yi +z^4k, S is the part of the cone z = (x^2 + y^2)^(1/2) beneath the plane z=1 with downward orientation.

I need help translating this for a project and i cant seem to find the right language?

ononon mel nin. in unon herio thiren il taur mel im garan le. ar ilyei denie met chubin hi yen, lenar yi thanliom: nin onto ar nin sinome estello. ngwalneyes nin net nar risier hae neto, loainyes hi mel elye ma. dolenello lenar melen. lenar nin coi nin estel nin harma. lenar oielle nin ore. in estel ero amonon le meleamonen nin. in mel le.

Can my hamster escape from this cage?

Wow! I think that's a really cool idea! You should make sure there aren't any holes where the hamster could get stuck though. Good luck!

This is my story srry it's kind of long tell me if it's any good please?

The idea of the Zombie Apocalypse is not very original. The writing is very immature. We are talking about 2nd grade adjectives. There are a ton of grammar mistakes. Work on it.

What GCSE grade would you give this?

First of wow that was good. I'd say atleast an A maybe a high B if the mark scheme is harsh. I got high B in all my English coursework so you should do better than me! :)

My budgies doesn't want to play with me what should I do?

I bought a pair of budgies in the pet shop 3 days ago and when I put my hand in the cage they fly around like mad any ideas?

What do you think of these sister names?

They are all lovely traditional names. My first name is actually Kate (Katherine) and my middle name is Elizabeth. They are all charming names that never age. I recommend Isabella and Annabelle, what about Emily or Gabrielle? - Just suggestions. They're all very nice.



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When did you learn that kids are pretty sturdy?

My younger son was a preemie and weighed only 3 pounds. I held him every day and fed him and changed his diapers etc and got use to holding him. Once he finally came home everyone was afraid to hold him and I was a pro by then at handling him. He did look super fragile... and was, but not as much as you'd initially think.

What holds mouse urine best?

You could put some news paper. I used news paper bedding for my rats, and it soaked up the urine well, but if you're looking for something better, I'd suggest a car shammy (or Shamwow). You can get a couple so when you need to wash one, you won't be without one. If you're going to go a while without changing out the shammy/newspaper, you can always put some plastic wrap underneath it so it doesn't get into the wood. Just make sure your mice aren't chewing up whatever material you do decide to put down. I know mine love to shred everything they get their paws on.

How do you like my story/writing?

It was pretty good. 8/10...not my kind of book but I know some people would read it. I really liked how you wrote it, it really seemed back in that time.

My Parakeets Laying eggs?

She Laid two or three a while back but didn't take care of them at all and now shes laid 3 more (one got cracked so we had to throw it away) We don't have a nesting box but we put this little plastic dish thing in the cage and shes been going in there and sitting on them she laid a another one today in it and she does Pretty much just sits on them all day ecxept when shes hungry or thirsty.I don't really know what to do. Could somebody please tell me everything i need to know? Thank you and Sorry If i spelled anything wrong or Just Kinda babbled on about things.

What does my chinese name mean and How would you pronounce it in Mandarin?

I only know the Cantonese pronounciation.. 'Jow Yeng Yi" All my grandma told me that her mom (my great-grandmother) was the one who gave my dad options and he chose this one :D

How come I don't feel what other people feel? Is something wrong with me?

There is nothing wrong with you, you just happen to handle things differently. Some people like to talk things out and express how they feel and seek comfort and support while you perhaps aren't necessarily as bothered by things that may hurt other people. I think it's good that some people can handle their own problems. Personally, when I'm visiting a friend I'd rather talk and enjoy ourselves and have a good time than cry over drama or vent out stress and anxiety.

New puppy with possible developmental issues?

It sounds to me like an urgent trip to the vet is in order. There are several things that you mentioned that concern me. Bloated belly could be worms, walks in circles and runs into things could be eyes or brain issues or something else entirely. Has the puppy been de-wormed , what about vaccinations? You say that the friend was the cause of the problems, was the puppy a product of improper breeding? Improper breeding can lead to many problems. I have personally seen puppies that were doing some of the things that you describe that were the product of improper breeding such as walking in circles. The puppy seems to have a lot of things going on so I would say get the vet to take a look and if at all possible get the full story from your friend. If this is really a good friend/responsible breeder she should have no problem giving you the whole story. Good luck and I hope you get the puppy feeling better soon!!

Green tree frogs (help)?

Ok i just got 2 American green tree frogs today and one of them is running around the cage and jumping everywhere since i put him/her in. and the other one has just sat in the same corner the whole time not moving. why is this? (it is night)

....Egression.................… poem....c\c?

I very much liked the earlier version better for some reason. This version has what I would call (and it's not a compliment,) a stately quality that undercuts the suspense that was in the other one. Sometimes clarity takes the edge of mystery out of a thing and it suffers for being more accurate.

Lately I've been having violent dreams about harming other people and I don't know why?

That's not good nor healthy. In Psychology class, learned that some people have actually acted out their dreams & the results were fatal. I suggest you go see a psychologist.

Hi! Please tell me what you think...? thanks!?

I use this really cool website called where you can post your book page by page, chapter, or even all at once. It's really cool and then people can be randomly be taken to your page and start reading your book. it's super easy and free.

What happens on episode 14 of boys over flowers when gu junpyo goes to china after his dad collapses?

here boys over flowers is broadcasted only once a very curious about what happens after jandi begins crying seeing the aeroplane leaving.will he come back early?and what will happen to the yi jung-gaeul relationship?

My hamster just died. !!?

i am guessing he is old but i went out to get a rabbit cage and i came back and my hamster is dead. Its laying in the corner and its not breathing. I'm so sad!!! He was my baby he slept wit me he'd sit on my stomach and watch tv wit me. :( Wut can i do ?!?

Favourite scene in The korean drama "boys before flowers" ? ?

here are the characters!~ Jan di-koo hye son. Goo joon pyo-lee min ho. Ji hoo-kim hyun joong. Yi jung-kim bum. Kim joon-Woo bin. My favorite scene is the fake wedding with jandi and ji hoo! <3 :]

Help with pet bunneh?

hi!! i have a super cute fluffy pet bunneh named Togi. She's a dwarf/english mix (i think) and is about 10-11 months old. i love her sooooooo much <3 i had to go on vacation for a month soo i gave Togi to my friend. I love togi alot but she's a very difficult baby cus she's super spastic and doesn't let me pick her up unless i trick her. even then when i pick her up she squirms and kicks so i have to hold her super tight so she wont break her back. i try to pick her up as little as possible because i don't want to scare her. she wasn't always like this. i used to be able to pick her up EASY when she was little but then once she hit 5-6 months she changed completely. she didn't trust me at alll so i've been trying to improve our relationship and its gotten alot better in the months to come. BUTT my friend Gabi just wrote me and said that she could "pick up togi realllllllly easy and she was a super nice bunny" togi is a super cute bunny to me she'll sometimes flop next to me and lick me and stuff. but it made me sad that she is letting my friend pick her up and not me. i also noticed her trusting my brothers better than me. she doesn't really let me pet her in her cage but she'll alwayys let my brother. i've never done anything mean to her and it makes me really sad that she's being like this.

Why does my Conure chew her tail when I'm away from home for a few hours?

I have a 8 month old Pineapple Green Cheek Conure since she's been weaned. For the past 2 months or so, and I've noticed tonight it's gotten worse, that if I decide to go out to a movie, out to eat or to town for a couple of hours, when I return home, she's chewed up the tips of her tail. I'm home with her all the time, besides the fact when I have to go out, and sometimes when I go out, I'll take her with me in the car, because she loves car rides. But, I went out to celebrate my birthday today leaving around 6-7 o'clock that evening. By the time I got home around 12:30-1AM, she had the ends of her tail chewed. She has plenty of toys, and a large cage. She even has preening toys to keep her occupied for when she wants to cut her little fits like that. I also notice, when she doesn't get her way, and gets mad, she will also chew on the tips of her tail as well. It kind of reminds of me a child throwing a tantrum. I'm just at a loss on what to do, because I have done EVERYTHING in my power to attempt to solve this problem, and I can't take her with me where ever I go all the time.

Pet Owl setup/care please?

I don't think it is appropriate to keep a pet owl. The pet owl should be allowed to have freedom and what kind of enjoyment could you get from them anyway? They are nocturnal.

What is your favorite(s) … of SHINee?

I cant have only one favorite song XD lol but i really like Haru! its a good song, I like the piano at the beginning of the remastered thing lol My favorites Jonghyun! Hes the first person in kpop that I liked and he got me into the whole kpop thing lol But I like all of SHINee! there songs and their style XD

How do i start a quail farm? Diet? Cages? Breeding? Hatching? **URGENT?

you fail to mention the type of quail you are purchasing. Depending on the breed, make sure your cage is large enough for the number of fowl you got. I always fed my quail a gamebird mix of feed, and parakeet feed as a treat. Once they start breeding and laying eggs you can hatch the eggs in an incubator and raise and sell the chicks. If you are getting baby quail, you will need to have a brooder box for them. This could be as simple as a cardboard box with a wire lid and heat source. You will need a special water font (found at most feed stores) for quail so they don't drown in the water. Food and time and patience.

Which Guinea Pig Cage would you get, out of these two?

I dont really buy stuff from ebay but i have a good expirence with amazon. I would go with the amazon one because they deliver fast and what they say is mostly true. Also google the cages and look at the reviews. Why cant you just buy a cage from petco or petsmart. I think going to a pet store will be the best.

Is there any upcoming Asian basketball players with potential like Yao Ming?

It seems like Asian basketball players pretty much will extinct from the NBA. Once Yao Ming retires. I kind of doubt Yi Jialian or Jermey Lin will be anything major in the NBA. Even though they are still young. I remember after the hype of Yao Ming in the 2002-2003 season. Several NBA teams were recruiting or drafting Oriental basketball players. Some of them played sufficiently to stay on a team for a couple of years, but a lot of them went back to their home countries. I looked at both 2011 & 2012 NBA mock drafts and I don't see any international player from a Asian country. Just curious if you heard anything.

What does ki-yi'd mean?

I was reading my book, "White Fang", and i came across a strange word called ki-yi'd. I've tried searching it up already but i have found nothing. Does anybody know what it means?

Alternatives to Chloroplast for a Guinea Pig C&C cage?

I can find the cubes, but not the chloroplast and im not much of a carpenter to be shaping the chloroplast for the cage, so opinions?

Antibiotics/Diarrhea cause of possible yeast infection? Treatment?

Get Monistat 1 with a tube of cream for the outside. Put the outside cream on every where you itch. Use the Vaginal Suppository as you are suppose to. You can feel this is strictly outside but you do have a vaginal yeast infection too.

Is my beta fish dying?

I cleaned his bowl last night and put him in a smaller bowl. This morning I woke up and he was laying on the counter curled up and dry, I picked him up with a fork (I didn't stab him, his tail was through it) I was going to flush him, but I decided to put him back in his bowl. Then all of the sudden he started swimming around, but he's still acting weird. He swims real fast, then stops. He keeps sitting at the top of the bowl with his mouth kind of poking out like he's gasping for air. I feel really bad. Is he going to die?

Is it really a good idea to get a puppy?

dude you clearly dont have time to look after another animal. no animal should be in a cage ever. especially just because the owners cant be bothered to look after it.

Is It Ok If I Leave My Dog Home Alone Over Night?

Ok so i'm really worried, its late at night and I have to leave for two days for a last minute buisness trip and I don't know what to do with my baby! He is a 4 year old Maltese dog. I'm leaving like at 6:00am and I can't leave him at a daycare of hotel for dogs and it's too late right now, they're closed. I was thinking I could leave him upstairs with three separate bowls of water and two separate bowls of food, just so he won't eat them in one sitting. He usually does hius buisness outside, but he is used to peeing and pooping on newpapar too, so I left him a space for that. I also left him his 4 favorite toys, 2 of which make very loud squeeking noices which he loves to chew on. There is plenty of daylight and I left him the kitchen light on, which illuminates the rest of the uper floor. The bedrroms and closed so he only has the kitchen, the living room, and the hallway. I left him his comfy bed and his cage, he loves sleeping in there. I used it for training when he was young but I gess he feels safer in there. So I'm leaving really early tomorrow and returning around 48 hours later. I just wanted to know, is it okay to leave him home alone that long? He is usually spending a lot of time with me. I take him out a lot too. I'm so worried he'll get lonely or think I abandoned him! I love him so much and I really feel terrible. I can't bare to be away from him and have no idea if he is okay :S I'll be really worried the whole time :( I'll try calling someone to check on him tomorrow after I land but I'm not sure if anyone can go check on him!) So I just wanted to know, is this okay? Is it considered animals cruelty? Will it affect my dog? Will he be sad? Will he be lonely? How long can a dog go without its owner? (With plenty of food and water in many bowls -just curious?) Thanks and please don't be mean, personally I wouldn't leave him but this is an emergency, I really have to go to this meeting!

How do you keep a carin terrier away from your pet hamster?

I have a pet carin terrier and my parents say i can't get a hamster even if I pay for it all by myself they say its in her jeans to chase and kill small animals such as a hamster. Im planing on clearing off a high shelf and putting the cage on it where she can't get to it.Even if they don't think its a good idea im probably still going to get a hamster but ... I don't want them to be mad at me so is there a way that I can prove my parents wrong by keeping my (soon to have) hamster for as long as I can?

Does my hamster have wet tail?

I had a Russian dwarf hamster for about 8 months now and she looks like she have been sick for a week now. She looks tired, doesn't use her wheel as much as usual, always have a wet bottom and a wet spot on the top of her head. Her eyes looks squinty and she doesn't move as much as usual. She still eats and drink water as usual and last week when i took her to the vet they told me she looked okay. Her poop is dry and normal. They still gave me antibiotics for a possible urinary infection which i use on her. Giving her the medication seems pretty traumatic for my hamster cause i got to hold her by the scruff to open her mouth which she will fight everytime. It's been like 4 days that she's taking medications and needs it for 10 more days. Now she run away from my hand in her cage... Even when i cleaned her cage, i put her in a small cage and she usually spends the whole time trying to escape. yesterday, she hid in her shed the whole time and when i put her back in the big cage, she just went to get a little bit of food and hid with it. Usually, she would be exploring and running in her wheel for like 2 hours after that. What do you think is wrong with her? I can't afford to take her back to the vet for 80$ if they just tell me that she's okay... BTW i'm a french canadian so excuse my faulty english. thanks

Does anybody know the workout routine Jay Cutler is using?

I hear he's bringing in Clay Matthews, Ray Lewis, Jared Allen, Suh, and Jason Taylor to sack him. He wants to get conditioned for the games.

How do i talk my parents into buying me a rabbit?

I've told them every single second to get me a pet. They just keep telling me that it's a big responsibility and that i will not take care of it. I have done countless hours of research on them and already know the price all the cage, food,toys,etc.,etc.. And my dad told me that I would have to juggle(soccer) everyday in the summer for 20 min. and i do if I'm not at my friends house or somewhere. I know what i want to name him and I already have the bed. The only problem is that I have 3 giant dogs and they smell. My mom thinks that the rabbits and all those animals smell. But i promised her that i would clean it everyday. (the cage) Please help!!!

I need help with a week old kittens?!?

My kittens, as of today, are 6 days old, and up till now, they were always fine with staying in a cage with their mother, but today, after nursing, when the mother came out for a snack, the kittens crawled out, (for the first time) and went to the mum for feeding again. Is it normal for cats to start crawling this early? They can't stand up properly though, and their eyes aren't opened yet. When will they start eating solid food, standing and walking and open their eyes??

Black figure shadow strangling me in a dream?

I was dreaming, i was with my friends and a black car starts to drive by, i knew it was bad cause i felt fear i "woke up" before it past me. i woke up in my dream in my room and a black figure shadow came from my left side and started to strangle/choke me. i wanted to scream but i couldn't and i tried to move and hit the shadow but my arms wouldn't move. i felt great fear as this was happening. i finally woke up and was gasping for air. can someone please tell me what this means, or if something is actually there.

How to get rid of concave belly?

Ab workouts should help. Try things like planks, crunches, and sit-ups. I honestly wish I had your problem though. lol. I'm a size 10-12 too but mine is flat unless I suck in, then my ribs stick out really far. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, but if you're bent on changing it, then the exercises above should help. (:

Hedgehog Cage help !!!!!?

Unlike rodents, which are surefooted and graceful, hedgehogs are very clumsy. Accordingly, I would not recommend a cage that has more than one level. It is simply not worth it to have a hedgehog break a leg in a fall. Hedgehogs will need almost four square feet of floor space minimum - enough to house a waterer (NOT a water bottle - hedgehogs are not rodents and their teeth do not continue to grow - we have several hedgehogs here who have permanently lost teeth trying to get water out of a bottle's metal tube), exercise wheel, hedgiebag or log, a food bowl, and toys. We have found that Sterilite No. 1990, 116 quart containers provide a minimum of space. Two of them can be joined together by cutting holes in the sides and connecting them with large PVC pipes. Please visit our web site and click on the Little Flash page for additional care information. Best wishes, Z. G. Standing Bear at The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue, Inc., in Divide, Colorado USA

Monday, August 8, 2011

What can i use this OLD Ferret cage for ?

You could definitely get rid of it on Craigslist, since you bought it new just a few weeks ago, I'm sure you could clean it up and sell it for like 50-80 bucks.

What to do about this?

I was diagnosed with asthma about ten years ago, but it's never been extremely bad or out of control. It was always easily treated with my albuteral rescue inhalor and I only needed my inhalor on rare occasions. Over the last couple of months, I've been waking up with a sore, tight chest or shortness of breath. The shortness of breath is almost constant, and gasping for air all day makes my chest extremely sore. I know I probably need to be on a daily treatment, but those medications can be very dangerous. Besides daily inhalors, is there anything I can do to reduce my asthma and keep it under better control?

Plot for a romantic/mystery/adventure/sup… book, opinions!?

I like it. There are so many places this could go! Will she be angry, happy, or sad? I wish this were a complete story!!

Can anyone tell me what this means? 10pts to the best answer:)!?

He is most deff into you. I d say you should go for it girl. Can't hurt to be flirty right?(; haha so yah go for it(:

What should I do about this guy I like?

Ok so I been going to this new school for about a year now. I guess now its not a new school. I will be going to it for the rest of high school. Any way I have been really close friend with this kid who is in almost every class that I have but we have became really close friend in reading. He sits by me and my friend who I will call J. Any way J make me laugh all hour and this guy he makes me laugh too. ( by the way J is a girl and that not her real name) So one day our reading teacher told me and and guy I like to go to the libary. I was very exected. But it ended up being really aqward. But on the way back I wasn't waching where I was going and slightly ran into a pole. So he laughed and I couldn't I tried to hold in my laugh becasue I hate my laugh. Any way the next time we passed a pole he ran into to make me laugh. And it was terrable , I couldn't stop and I couldn't breath so I beggan to sound like a pig gasping for air. When we got back to the class room I had stand outside the class room and try to stop laughing. Any way we ever we are in reading he is always staring at me. Well he sit right behind me in class. He use to be in a real serious realiship. But she was real bossy and rude and he hate her being so mean to him. So he broke up with her. But he still loves her ONLY as a younger sister though. He care for her but she doesn't want to be anythign with him. any way i have had this huge crush on him for the longest time. Then summer came. Me and my friend J took him to a amusment park. Though the only problem was that he didn't talk. Well he did but barly. You would have to talk to him for him to talk to you. Oh I also forgot to menchon J likes him too. But after she realised he wouldn't talk she stopped likeing him. He talked at school but I coulnd't fiuger out why he wouldn't at this amusment park. I told my friend J that I didn't like him any more becasue he was so un sosical. But on the car ride to his house. Me , J and the guy were all messing around . I was tottly firting with him i was untieing his shoes and everything. He was talking alittle but it was more than he did the whole time. I think I really like this guy but if I ddated him I would want him to talk to me. Do you think he will change? Oh and I invited him to my birthday and I don't want him to be a party pooper. Should I like him even though he is so un schoal and how do I change him so J doens't get mad at him at my b-day. I dont' want to change him but I don't what to do. He is such a nice guy but I'm so stressed out right now about J and him and this whole mess with him being so unsholal and J not wanting to see him , if he won't talk. Do I have a chance ahhh... HELP

SM Entertainment Drama?

I haven't seen Hana Kimi but I've heard of the plot and I think Amber will fit the female role perfectly. I wanted Yunho to be the main male lead, as well. I don't want Yoona to be casted for this one, but I wouldn't mind the rest. Especially Heechul.

Plz help!!! can i put my lutino lovebird and my black masked lovebird together in the same cage?

my lutino lives outside (so now i want him to live inside) so can i out it with my blue black masked lovebird? i dont know what gender it is but my lutino is a male thats all i know. for now im putting them in the same cage just to test it out. they seem to like eachother but i saw them fight this morning (it wasnt a bad one but my lutino started it. he is about 2-3 years old and my black masked one is 6 months.

Dwarf Hamster Cage Questions?

Should i get a 2 platform cage for them theres 2 and can you make homeade cages??? I heard that if you get a 2 platform because they get territorial???

When peeling after a 2nd degree burn does your skin go back to normal?

I had a HORRIBLE 2nd degree burns on both my knees, feet, and one of my elbows. please dont ask why because its a long story. anyways they turned into blisters and now they all popped and the skin is very dry. they are starting to peel and the skin looks very gross and a darker skin ton then mine. i cant even show anyone without them gasping of terror. when it peels will it go back to normal? and is it good for it to peel? any other tips? how long will this take? please help :( since the beginning of summer i havent been able to leave the house and im just trying to get better! ill give you many points if you answer as helpful as possible!

I was talking to a few friends about what the word queer means?

Then they all gasped when I used it. I’m bisexual; I usually say that I am queer ID. Most of my friends hate when I say this, my sister refuses to say that I’m queer ID. I understand that this is a dirty word to them, mainly because of the negativity it was used for. But I know a lot of LGBT who say queer community mainly because it’s an umbrella term for us, it covers everybody under it. I tried to explain this but they wouldn't hear it (they are straight by the way) how can I explain that this is now our word, that I am queer and proud of it? Should I stop using it because it makes others feel uncomfortable?

Does my book sound okay so far?

Super good!! I really liked it. But I started getting confused when you randomly started saying Peter and Brett in the middle of the story. It sounds to me like Peter is her bf, maybe you should mention his name sooner so we know who it is? Just my opinion, but keep up the great work :)

Is this anxiety or something else?

I at least recognize anxiety (social in particular) and OCD. I may be wrong, but the inability to move sounds like a carry-over of sleep paralysis I've experienced myself. Hang in there. And try to remember that the average person is so wrapped up in themselves they won't notice what you buy. Also remember that what you feel RIGHT after a situation is more real than the picked apart version you create for yourself later. Maybe you can ease off worrying about home invasion if you put bells on a few doorhandles.

My black rat snake lay eggs do i move them out of the cage or keep them in there with her?

Please don't thumbs down me or anything, but I think you would have better luck on the reptile forum. Sorry!

Given the bar graph below?

i think you have to calculate the area of each bar, and replicate each bar into a grouped frequency chart, therefore each bar should have the same area as before, but should spread out the full distance of there boundary. hope this helped, but i guess it didnt

Need help with bra sizing!?

I have discovered some new info about bra sizes and I have found that a lot of it is contradictory. Anyway, I measure 30 inches around my rib cage and 38 around the bust. I am currently wearing an obviously wrong size of 38 D. From my research I should possibly be wearing a 30 FF since I went down band sizes and up four cups. Is this right?

Will a parakeet/budgie die if it swallowed pool water?

Although you should watch out for pneumonia in a totally soaked parakeet, birds swim in and drink chlorinated water often, and although it is not usually fatal to them, it can cause heart disease, liver failure, and in females disformed or bound eggs. This is usually prolonged exposure in larger birds, however. In a tiny bird like a budgerigar, it is probably more toxic, but with rest, food, and water, he may be just fine. Good luck :)

Have I done enough for tomorrow (convincing mum and dad to get me a hamster)?

Ok so my mum knows how well I take care of our puppy, Snoopy as I feed him every day, take him for walks down the woods sometimes and play with him. I have got a very good report and a lot of my mates get presents for good school reports but I don't usually :( I have wanted a hamster a while ago, before I got my rat (RIP Sam) and now I really want one again. I'm afraid they'll say no cuz my mum says they are really noisy at night which is ok for me as I am a heavy sleeper, but not ok for my parents as they are light sleepers. I would give it exercise before bedtime to help reduce the use of the wheel. Becuase I took care of Sam so well I hope they'll say yes. I made a poster and powerpoint to show them tomorrow - anything else I can do except wait? I've even got sorted where the cage can go.

I have a green anole lizard and he jumped put of my hand and I grabbed his tail and it fell off help :(?

he's moving still good I put him back in his cage with the female. Will he live though I need help asap it worried me :( will he be okay anything I can do it was bleeding a little

Is this bail out of Greece really just about helping bankers (again)?

I'm from Ireland, and the bailouts have done my country definitely more harm than good. my parents had to take 20% pay cuts, and registration fees are getting extortionate for college so that the country can pay back these bailouts. Generations of us will be paying for a few people's misguided decisions.

Is it normal that i can't understand why women feel attracted to men ?

i look at men and can't find anythign attractive about them, mayb ejohnny depp or george cloone yi can see it but most men are ugly to me (no homo)

What do you think about the Intro to my story?

hi there, if you want my honest advice, it's not bad but its not great either. It's a bit muddled and rushed and a bit of a jumble to read, too much is happening at once. I got a little confused, you need to slow down first of all. It seems a little rushed, to make it a good piece of writing you need to put a bit more time into it and maybe try to slowly build the suspense and make it more gripping to read. as i said build it up slowly, dont introduce too many people at once. its all just constructive criticism and i hope it help and i havent offended. good luck xx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What do you think i should do?

today i went to the clinic for what i thought was a bacterial infection. And sure enough she said she saw bacteria and yeast? which she didnt say whether i had a yeast infection but just that she saw some. Anyway i havent had any of the symptoms for a yeast infection but i have all the symptoms for bv(bacterial vaginoisis) and she prescribed me antibiotics for that and said to use monistat and antibiotics for 7 days. Now since im not having the cottage cheese like discharge which is supposed to be a clear sign of YI. The BV symptoms include: Mild itchy burning feeling and fishy ordor ONLY after unprotected sex.Which by the way im married so i can do that. But do you think its safe to first take antibiotics and then if other symptoms occur like YI take monistat. Im asking because do to not having insurance i was forced to go down to my county health dept. I just feel that they are a little less equipped and knowlegable as regular doctors offices. just want advice, input,what would you do?

How's my novel?:):):):)?

In the beginning you're talking about how someone's following you and then you go into detail about fall. you should have put that in when you were talking about the harvesting. Also you should have said a little bit more about your background before you jumped in to the exciting part of the book. Make sure you use alternate words which means don't use the same words 2 sentences in a row unless it's a technique that you're trying. The plot sounds interesting though so I would read it. Don't put anymore of your writing online though because people could steal it. :D it's good

Why is my hamster bloated?

I found him bloated and his eyes are getting a little gooie. When I pressed on his stomach\lower body it was hard. His breathing seems fine, he has water and food and his cage is clean. Do you know what's wrong?

What similarities are between the two poems?

Am comparing the similarities between two poems, "Praise the Tortilla" by Ray Gonzalez and "To Nintendo" by Ishle Yi Park. They both have to do with childhood memories and the themes are alike. I have to write a 3 page literature review.

My daughter wants a Pet What kind of Pet should I get?

Its my daughter first pet (That's actually hers we have a dog) it has to be in a cage or tank like a rodent reptile something like that please she said she will take any pet i get her? ( It's for her birthday but she has wanted it for 2 months now)

Think of a topic for my english presentation!!!!?

its tommorrow!!! i dont have aclue what to do the idea is "something you are passionate about" and what i want to do is something really dramatic, that would make people cry, or gasp etc etc, ive though about homophobia because thats got some really sad thing in it... but someone is already doing it. poverty isnt really what im looking for because its taught so much at school already... HELP???

My hamster has a little cut above his nose how do i heal it?

Well my mom bought me two male hamsters for no reason whatsoever. And like 2 or 3 weeks later they started fighting. But only one of the hamsters got a small cut on top of his nose.Dont worry I have a spare cage so i seperated them today.Please tell me how I can heal his cut.I feel so sorry for him :(((

Am I depressed? Or is something else wrong?

I have felt like you have for a long time, and I am depressed, I have a social anxiety, the best answer would be to tell your doctor how you are feeling, your doctor can help, I now see a therapist, and take a pill for my depression, I wish you the very best take care sweetie I hope I helped

Why is my guppies floating about in the same corner?

I have been observing my guppies for almost 6h straight! I found that the males are realy active.. Or atleast the shy one.. Realy wories me.. The rest (3) just float about in the corner.. Have a realy expencive filter.. More then enought 02 in the water.. Have no clue what the pH is.. I am abit woried about that but didnt get time to check that yet.. 160L tank.. I hav basicly only added Prime(seachem) .. Im new to this hobby.. They arent gasping for air though.. Am i puting them through torture by nt being sure about the pH??? I probably know the answer but they seemed fine a day ago.. ? HELP?

Orgasms don't feel good?

well there ok, but I like the feelin of when I go to pee or especially sneeze. I'm a girl and don't say I don't know what they feel like cuz I do. I feel really hot, my privates are pulsing, my heart is beating through my chest and I gasp for air. it's ok but not as good as sneezing. When I was younger I would sniff dusty things so I could make myself sneeze, it has always been the easier thing for me to do and felt the greatest. People have always said I'm weird but I guess I'm just diferent. I've never really got any Please from any form so cab you tell me if this is normal

In the upcoming Ameican Revolution which will pit working class America against the big banks and the Tea?

fact is there is not enough money to pay back the banks making us slaves to the banks asking them to inflate the money supply

Question about YI & monistat?

okay so im getting a YI its not that bad yet so i wanna catch it before it gets any worse. which monistat should i use my sister said to get the monistat 7 but i dont think its that bad. should i just go ahead and get that one or a different one. please if you have had a YI before and remember what you used please let me know thanxx

What do you think of this extract of my novella?

This is quite interesting, not something I have seen before which of course is a good thing. Great description really makes you be able to have an image of what is happening so props to that. I want to read more so I urge you to continue on writing!

How long can a guinea pig be in a car?

The car won't be much different than the house, though the movement might make the piggy a little off. As long as you take him out regularly and hold and play with him as much as you would in the house, and open the windows every once in a while to circulate fresh air, he should be okay. C: Have fun on your trip!

My guinea pig is experiencing the lymph nodes inflammation, should i put her down?

Your guinea pig should have been seen by an exotic vet long ago, she is suffering and they can give her medications and pain medication to help her. Sadly it sounds as though you have waited to long and she is to ill to survive, and yes of course the vet will charge to put her to rest. Chances are if you had been working with a good exotic vet through out the guinea pigs life they would not charge you, this is the reason your guinea pig should be seen by a vet yearly even if it has not been ill. The vet then has a report with you and the guinea pig and tent to be more giving.

When Glasgow Rangers fans sing at a football match does it lead to civil disorder and civil disturbance ?

Aye, especially when you sing that "Simply The Best", "Penny Arcade" and "Follow, Follow" ...

Ridiculously low Gpa; Honest chance at these colleges?

I believe that your personal experiences, letter of recommendations, and high SAT and ACT scores should definitely offset your low gpa.

Are allergies to rabbits not as bad when they are indoors?

i really want to brng my rabbit in to live inside but my mums a bit allergic to him, when hes outside she keeps well away from him and she is fine, but if he was to live in my room and if i keep him clean as much as i can (and the cage), and i keep my room clean will the allergics be as bad or will they be more mild? hes a french lop.

My heart has been feeling funny!?

Ok i have all ways seemed to have this thing wrong with my heart i think it maybe be excited related its like when i really think about it it happens and lately its been randomly showing up i will be sitting down and then when i get up my heart will be pounding and i will be gasping for air and have to stand still and let my heart slow down. im 16 and 140 pounds its really started one time after i smoked weed i am done with weed for good after i freaked out at my friends house and had to go to the hospital, and i all ways have this itch felling in my heart i have seen a heart special lest about this but it seems that nothing is wrong help

Teenage WET Dream?!!?

I hope I am right but I guess thats the dream is basically telling you that you are open to both gender

Caught my older stepsister and my older brother having sex?

The other day I walked into my stepsisters(lucy) room to see if she had the stapler. She was lying naked on her double bed with my also naked brother max. I gasped and when they realised I was there and pulled away I saw maxs penis was slimey and lucys lowere half was covered in sticky white stuff. I ran out of the room. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

What cage is best for a golden or teddy bear hamster?

Please don't tell me about bin cages. I can not make one of these. :( I would like know of any brand names. If you can please leave a link. So just please leave a brand name /type of cage.( not a bin cage) thank you. First person to leave an answer gets bets answer. :)

Do girls mind/like if a guy makes noise in bed?

I’m with my first serious girlfriend, we haven’t had sex yet but i think we will be soon. I am currently a virgin and a bit nervous about it, the main reason is that during masturbation I think i make a lot of noise but not the sort of ‘manly’ noises that guys are supposed to it’s embarrassing but i think i make noises more like girls do like the gasping and moaning. I’m worried my girlfriend is gonna hate this I try to keep quiet and not make any noise during masturbation but it’s really hard. I’m anxious this is going to reflect really badly on me and she might dump me, i know this sounds drastic and maybe it’s because i’m just nervous about it. Should i try to keep quiet and hold it in best i can or hope that she won’t mind?

How is the prologue to my story?

The first few sentences created some interesting imagery but the first line of dialogue came out weird. However later on in the story I started to like and learn about clive's personality and how sarcastic or evil he might become which is good because it makes me want to read on. I really do like it and I am interested on why someone like him would call the helpless girl a witch and it could become an interesting story. Also some parts of the story show good writing.

Why is my hamster so scared?

I got a golden hamster in May. The pet store said she was a few months old (about 4) and had been there a while, i felt bad so i brought the little stinker home. When i got her home she would always bite me so i started to pick her up using her hut. She trys to jump out, or jump out of your hand. She has stopped biting, but now she runs away from me wheni try to pick her up. she has fallen 2 times from slipping through my hands, once was into her cage onto the bedding adn the first time was onto the carpeted floor. She seemed fine after she fell, but i dont understand why she is scared. Even if i got her in my hands adn she is fine and still, she flips out all of a sudden adn trys to get out of my hands

What was this tingling feeling?

I was out with my friend today and we are really close.When I was saying goodbye he gestured for a hug so I hugged him,but it wasn't a normal hug he was pressing his body against mine in a circle motion,which then I held him tight on the arms with my nails digging in and I pulled away and he gasped.He then smiled and I turned to leave.During that time I had a tingling feeling in my vagina.What was it?

Good period dramas or movies?

Lately I've been interested in such dramas. Please suggest a few good ones. (I am also interested in any that have at least a bit of a courtesan involved. I am fascinated by their lifestyle.) I have already watched Hwang Jin Yi, The King and the Clown, and Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Does anyone know if the Painter of the Wind is any good? I'm kind of hesitant to watch it.

Having trouble breathing lately.?

Could be asmtha, or anxiety/panic disorder problems. sometimes that can just "Pop" up out of any where. or acid reflux, see your primary care, doctor, he/she will most likely listen to your chest and or order a chest xray or CT scan of the chest. also could be allergy issues as well.

Will he live with a tiny bump?

My dwarf rabbit i'm babysitting is 8 years old, I was putting him back in his cage when he started wiggling and accidently bumped his chin, it's just a little one and it happened like 10 minutes ago, but i'm really scared, he seems to be acting a little weird, but still fine? REALLLY wanna know!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is this story good so far?

This is very well written. one piece of advice though have a bit more of a cliff-hanger at the end to keep readers interested

Bearded dragons fighting + head bobbing please help!?

I have 3 bearded dragons 1 adult,and 2 sub adultsthe adult lives by himself and the other 2 live in a 60 gallon. The 2 sub adults used to live in the same cage untl I came home 1 day to see the smaller 1 hand was bleeding and he\she couldn't walk on it so I split the cage in half so they wouldn't be able to injure eachother again but yesterday I gave both of them a bath and they were getting along just fne so I thought maybe they could live together again so I took out the seperator and put both of them in the same 60 galon cage and the larger ones beard turned black and puffed up then he started bobbing his head while the smaller one just sarted waving his\her arms then the larger 1 chased the smaller 1 around the cage trying to bite the smaller 1 I'm not sure what sex\gender they are but they keep doing the same thing larger one gets black beard and smaller 1 sits and waves then the larger 1 chases him\her wha does this mean are they fighting or trying to mate I'm scared to put them back in the same cage somebody help

Bunny seems depressed ?:(?

I take good care of her and everything; i took her out to play twice but she bit me so i put her back in her cage. Usually she'll be bouncing around her cage but she just seems upset .. how do i cheer her up? :(

Yeast Infection HELP!?

I've had a yeast infection now for a little over a month now and at first my doc prescribed me diflucan and metrogel which didn't fully rid me of my did help though since the only symptom i have now is thick now my doc prescribed me 5 days of diflucan....I was wondering how long this will take to rid me of my infection completely?.....Oh and i've been reading about yeast infections online and some people say it never goes away which is scaring me a bit since i'm only 20 and don't want to be stuck with YI for the rest of my life.

My bro is getting married and has a secret prostitute addiction?

not reading all that, if you bro is old enough to get married he is old enough to run his own life, keep out of it

My fish is leaning on one side and the back side of his tail fin seems limp?

I just changed his water, but now he's sticking very close to the bottom of the tank. He's leaning to one side, and his tail fin is kind of dragging along the bottom. He also looks like he's gasping for breath. Help?

All my fish have died?

WOW ok i think you should add activated aquarium carbon into your filter. Maybe there is some kind of oil that somhow got in to the tank that reduced the amount of air dissolve in the water. that should be the reason why they are gasping for air and the air bubbles cannot burse because of the layer of oil over it. this happen to my tank before and i use a cup to remove the water on top as much as i can. after a few days the oil would disappear on its own.

Which scenario sounds better?

The second scenario sounds better, more romantic in the sense that they're young and in love and playful. Teenagers in love would never be so serious about their first kiss. It would just kinda "slip out" in a situation like that. But it would be even MORE romantic if you made them kiss accidentally after he dunks her head under the water and have him confess his love for her [if it's love]. OR you could combine them both were they're in the water, playing, and they just kinda freeze and gaze into each others eyes before kissing. Then they can resume their playing in the water, but with a sort of awkwardness that later forces them to confess their true feelings for each other. UGH! THAT WOULD BE SOO BEAUTIFUL! *tears in eyes* Sorry for going fangirl on you, but I love romance books, and I love cheesy lines. They make me "squee" in glee. You're book sounds AWESOME; I would love to one day see it in stores so I could buy it. Lol.

I have difficulty breathing when I run?

First key, you NEED to relax. Running isn't that big of a deal. You need to breath in through your nose, then exhale from your mouth. Don't sprint in the beginning, and gradually get faster, at the end you should be sprinting and crossing the finish line. I find that holding my breathe underwater helps me build up lung capacity. Trust me, you're not going to be the only one finding it hard to run. Take longer strides too.

What is wrong with me? Why can't i express emotions or feel how others feel?

You could have poorly developed connections between your sadness centres and your motor centres. It's no different to if you were born with no muscle to frown with, except you can't see it normally.

Question about puppies dying shortly after birth?

i have a female dog that gave birth to 7 puppies in which 3 of them died with in an hour after being born. 3 days before she had them she squeezed her way out of her pen in a little hole she had dug. could the puppies have been positioned just right and she hurt them somehow when she got out. they woulds not suck and acted like they were gasping for air with a little rattle sound.she had them late last night and the vet is not open today to call and ask about that. we didn't call them last night or take her to the vet because we knew the puppies would not make it anyway

Who has the best football fans in the world ?

i gi yi a wee clue a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Having a baby after a still born?

I can't imagine this happening to me yet, you have to know that even if you have another baby it will NEVER replace your baby (R.I.P). Any other kid you have will have a different place in your heart and you will love him/her you will understand your feeling within time. Your feelings now are completely normal, i suggest you go to counseling to get help coping with your feelings. I hope you get better and sorry for your loss.

What is the Japanese pronunciation of 光艺?

I have recently been doing some research in regard to my family tree, and discovered that i was part Japanese. Just out of curiosity i wonder how my last name is pronounced in Japanese. The pinyin of my last name in Chinese is " Guāng yì " thank you.

My fish have a disease? ?

Hi everyone, I have two baby oscars that are new to my home and are in a ten gallon tank for the week, they both suddenly got some sort of disease and I think its fungus but im not sure. It looks like white tears in the skin or even as if he is (balding) like colorless spots or a faint white hue. Their mouths are making similar motions to gasping or biting but they are fed fine and have more than enough air. They are swimming up and down a lot more than normal and seem very uncomfortable. What could this be? P.s its not a white dot like mark its like cow spots of white tear looking things.

Do guinea pigs really like music? If so, what kind?

I've heard that they do and I care a lot for my piggies.. I want to make them happy:) Do they really like music? What kind? What else is comforting to them? What else do they like to do for cage time? Our any times, also? :)

Please Help One day & 1/2??!!?

I'm sure he will be fine. Maybe leave out extra food, like an extra bowl in the kitchen or something (somewhere he is not usually fed) and if you have a large bucket for water instead of a bowl.

Statistics Summation?

(yi - 3.6 - 2*xi)^2 = (y1 - 3.6 - 2*x1)^2 + (y2 - 3.6 - 2*x2)^2 + (y3 - 3.6 - 2*x3)^2 + (y4 - 3.6 - 2*x4)^2

When should I go to the ER if I think I am having a gallbladder attack?

On Thursday afternoon I began having pain on my right side right at the bottom of my rib cage. A dull achey pain has been constant there since with sharp pains coming and going. I have been feeling nausea and some pain/almost burning in my chest more on the right side. I have a horrible headache that started about two hours ago. The pain is worse at night and after eating. I haven't eaten much as I have gotten over the pain and don't want to do anything to make it worse. I have had diarrhea immediately after eating for a few months until this attack started and now I feel constipated. My temp is now 99.2 and is normally 97.6. I plan on going to the Dr. on Tuesday because of the holiday Monday, but I have heard horror stories of people waiting too late to go to get help.....

What just happened, scareehhh?

I was at my cousins and they have a slick half-pipe, and i was wearing socks and I fell from the top and I hit my back weird and it still hurts(a few minutes later) and I couldn't breathe right for like 2 ,ins i could only take in gasps of air or breathe out and my upper back hurt so bad that i wouldn't let go of it for like 3 mins and my stupid little brother(8, almost 9) said "Oh you can breathe, youre talking" I would have puched him in the face, but you know, i was holding my back with both hands, anyways, i can breathe fine now but i want to know what i did and if it was serious,, THX :3

Is this a proper habitat for a rabbit?

I asked this before but I have changed the situation, I would keep my rabbit in my room with a dog fence. Just like a bunny x pen except its about 3 feet tall maybe taller. I would put my bunny in a outside pen for a few hours, 2-4 @ around 3 o clock. I live in san diego so tempertures rise over 80 degrees but they have 1/4 of shade and I. Will put a frozen ice bag in there cage and lots of cool water, they will have litter boxs in each cage 2 food bowls one with hay the other with pellets and a water bottle hooking on the side of there cage. I will take them out everyday for about an hour or 2. Is this a good lifestyle for them

What noises does your guy make in bed and what does his face look like?

My bf is really cute I think he’s gorgeous and he makes these cute noises in bed like these sweet gasping sounds and even though he has a totally hot body his face looks so vulnerable and yummy! I talk to my friends a lot about sex and they say their men are all really quiet and don't show much emotion. He's so far my only sexual partner so I don’t know what most guys do, does your bf grunt, gasp, moan, shout, anything?! Basically I’m asking what does his face look like and what sounds does he make!

What could have made this happen?

Man... I haven't done that in a LONG time. If you have a nightmare that's bad enough, it can cause your vocal cords to freeze up. If you're sufficiently freaked out, it can also clench your lungs enough to decrease your oxygen intake, and that can cause the blurry vision.

What does this guinea pig behaviour mean?

Purring sound is a good thing, they are just greeting one another. Sounds like they are beginning to enjoy each other's company.

What do you think of this NHL realignment?

I agree entirely with the arrangement. The only thing I would change is the name of the Great Plains division to Midwest.

Doctor's advice - intense weight loss / prescribed oxycontin/oxycodone?

My sister was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident 8 years ago and sustained injuries. After 2 years, she got pregnant and had a very painful delivery. The gynocologist prescribed her oxycontin/oxycodone for pain. Since then (6yrs) ago she has been prescribed these paralysing medications and she has built an immunity to them, so her and her doctor agreed that she should up her doses. She did not know that this drug could actually make you become addicted. She is on over 300 mg's of prescribed synthetic heroin and weighs a whopping 90 pounds, she has been loosing weight since dec.2011. All of her bones are showing, her shoulder blade rubs against her rib cage, her spine sticks out, she is a skeleton. The doctor said she has no time to care for her, after she prescribed her such a high dose of synthetic heroin. The doctor said its like a cold glass of water in her face. She told my sister to look up articles in magazines if she wants advice on saboxown a type of drug to help wheen patients off this drug. Now my sister has no doctor, she is left with one weeks prescription, she cannot cut off these drugs cold turkey, this is lethal to her health. She could even die because of her weight problem. She's been on these drugs 6 years, has never unused them, she has a daughter that is 6 now, and all she wants to do is to wake up and start her day. She does not want to take them anymore. She is more then willing to work with any professional to get off of these. The doctor up'd her dose 1 month ago and dropped her as a patient. My sister got her last appointment on a voice memo on her ipod, she cannot find another family doctor, she has called walk in clinics, crisis center, telehealth [ottawa,ontario], everyone has told her to go to emergency and the hospital told her they would not prescribe that to her. Is there anything she could do? Anyone know of any doctors that have the time to deal with her pain issues, she takes this drug for back and neck pain, so there is a reason for taking it. She will then have to deal with the pain and withdrawals. She looks really sick. But she needs the meds. She doesnt think the drugs and intense weight loss has anything to do with each other. This started dec 2010 - its now july 3rd and weighs less then 90 pounds. She is writing a letter to the college of physicians in ontario. She needs help asap. Could anyone help my sister?

Squealing and Squeaking hamster?

i got my new teddy bear hamster today and wen im not by thou cage he squeaks and squeals and tries to get out im scared HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having trouble getting a full breath...I think?

I had the same problem a couple of years back. Am male. Used to be very sporty. Like a few glasses of wine etcetera. Got the same as you one Christmas and thought I was a gonner many times over. Doctors couldn't find a thing except a body chemical imbalance. This 'experience' went on for a year or so (at any time of day or night) then lessened (don't drink much now); very rare I experience it now. Listen to your bod; live correctly. Eat properly; rest properly; do steady work; live long and prosper.

HELP!!!!! My Guinea Pig has severe diarrhea and is twitching!?

He went to the vet for severe diarrhea and is on medicine for it. We're giving him water since he won't eat and have hay in his temporary hospital cage. He has a blanket and we are also giving him orange juice, (as recommended by the vet,) and mashed banana, (recommended by another vet,) with water. He has suddenly started twitching and seems like he might be trying to stand up. He also made a little noise. Please help, he's lately been doing better, but now I'm scared, help!

What do you think of this kiss scene?

It is great so far but I think you need to flesh it out a bit more....still worth pursuing and Well done...makes you think.....

Should I get my bunny another bunny friend?

Rabbits do fine alone, but before you adopt a new buddy for him, i would see if they get along, like a play date or something. You may find he is content alone, now that he lost his old buddy. You dont want to end up with 2 bunnys who do like each other, i suggest a meet, or play date before choosing to get another one. I may also suggest keeping his old cage, just incase, and haveseveral playdate before adoptiong. Hope this helps

Friday, August 5, 2011

Flirting a lot with my closest friend?

It sounds like she's about ready to vault herself on top of a fence post if you don't make a move soon. Sounds like you have a really special relationship. Something most people will never know. It's up to you at this point, she's already let you know how she feels. Everyone is scared of rejection, though, which is probably why she hasn't come right out and say she loves you. What if you didn't feel that same way, and you really were kidding? She's afraid she would scare you off and you wouldn't be friends anymore. So go for it.

Thoughts on this extremely bad sonnet I wrote?

It is a little bit cliche, corny, and very Shakespearean like, but I actually like it. I wouldn't worry too much about the iambic pentamenter being messed up, all the good poets broke the rules. It's classy and romantic.

My canary stopped singing.....?

I am not sure, I have different birds in my house and they chirp to each other like they are talking with each other ,maybe get another canary it could use a friend in the same cage

What does this recurring dream mean. plz help, best answer?

hi ben I'm Nahjir and I'm 14 and usually a recurrng dream signifies a future event that WILL or most likely this can be a bad or good thing depending on how it ends the next time...this happens to me about death but hey...**** it everyone dies right? plus ur dreams may have a meaning in them...the dome can be a future residence and the small door and arcade could signify a secret destiny??? good luck Ben

Are Showers good for Lovebirds ?

I carried my lovebird in the bathroom with me while i brushed my teeth , he flew in the tube/shower and started walking around i turn the shower on low and warm water . He loved it ! Now his cage his by the bathroom and every time i walk by it to go he starts going crazy and doing his get out of the cage dance and chirps . So i have started carrying him with me when i go and he gets in the shower and i put it on full blast he loves it , he runs around getting wet and chirping and when he is done i usually blow dry him off with the Blow Dryer and he sits and waits till he is dried off . However he has been wanting to do it everyday and im worried he might Develop a skin rash or experience dry skin . What should i do ? He has been wanting to do it everyday and i usually let him , but now im worried . Is it some kind of bird shampoo ? I have seen some online but i'm very skeptical . Can anyone give me some advice ?

Wrestling and judo question?

hi everyone i just asked a question and everybody said to pick wrestling to help my bjj in cage fights and stuff. what about street fights? i read that wrestling takedowns will hurt you too if theirs glass on the ground or something. and with judo throws you dont have to go on the ground. plus i heard judo throws do more damage. so what do you guys think?

Anime: I need something similar.?

I don't know, but you could try "Record of Lodoss War" and "Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight". They are basically Dungeons and Dragons adventures.

Green anole tail fell off, what do i do now? it scared me =( I have another one in the inclosure HELP! asap?

My green anole im sure he is male hes bigger then the other one i have which is smaller and theyre both green and he doesnt have a dewlap so is he still male? theyre about 2 yrs old and i accidentely grabbed his tail while holding him because he fell out of my hand and im worried now about him... hes still moving and all acting normal in his cage and him and the female dont ever get around each other much so idk if he is a male or not but it worried me it happened because i dont know what to do =( and the poor guy =( 10 TO BEST PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! will he be okay?

Should I call animal control on my best friend?

Where the hell are her parents!?!?! Anyway, yes definitely call animal control. In the mean time go over to her house with water for the dog as much as you can.

How can I get my dogs well & find out what is wrong with them?

I have 3 Labs. I don't know exactly how to describe what is wrong, but I will try. They have a terrible crouping gagging gasping dry sounding cough. At times they sound like a pig oinking or a goose honking. It's as if something is caught in their throats. They also seem to have trouble breathing in & out of their noses off & on, making strange gasping noises through them as well. I am so worried. I've taken them to a couple different vets, but they don't cough while there, of course. They check out fine otherwise. I was told it's kennel cough. I've tried steroids, anti-inflamatory drugs, & antibiotics now. Vet also had me buy OTC cough medicine for them. Nothing is helping. It has been 11 days now. What is wrong & what can I do to help my poor babies (dogs)? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Can you lose weight with an elliptical instead of running?

I get my heart rate up using the elliptical but I feel as if I don't work as hard. Then again, when running I tend to get to the point where I'm gasping for air and have to walk. I read somewhere you have to stay at a pace where you can still hold a conversation. At this point it seems as if the elliptical would be better.

I can't breathe through my nose at night, and I snore slightly. Sometimes I stop breathing and gasp?

What is this? I've never been able to sleep through my nose at night,and just now i've been noticing that I am starting to gasp for air because I will stop breathing..What is wrong?!

Can you explain the ending of this scary story?

Well the ending makes you fill in the ending. I would think it's the bodies of the parents behind the couch.

I need some tip's on getting my "elo" raised in League of Legends?

Every single Time I play ranked matches I always get the team that either has a player DCed or doesnt communicate you I get the Trolling YI / RYZE that are always like "OMG U ALL SO BAD I GO FEED NOW.. I really can't stand it I hate being in the hell elo in solo que I can never get a good game with ppl who communicate. What are some tips to get it raised up a bit cuz this really sucks.

How do I build confidence in a young athlete?

Here's the scenario. This kid is awesome, top of the game. He puts in countless hours practicing, working out, and getting private lessons. Problem is, come game time he is a nervous wreck. Often it means he starts to make mistakes, gets flustered, and can't get his head straight. I've tried all sorts of positive reinforcement. We are at a tournament right now where the best in the world are scouted- getting in is by invitation only. Today he totally floundered and blew the game on an error that shouldn't have happened; totally his fault no doubt about it. Other Adults have been saying it's a team effort, he played great, and besides they are still kids and make mistakes. But now he is all freaked out and it's not over. He has played with n ability that makes the crowd gasp, but then next game he is a head case. How can I get him to realize his full potential? He wants and sees a future in this, and that is quite possible if he can pull it together. What can I say or do?

Itchy vaginal no burning?

my vagina itchy dont burn. the last time i had sex it was june or july and i got a pap smear in sept. and it came out pos. something the dont see some cells my cells not growing and the doc test hpv came out neg. thats super good. and i got ate out last month. like the itchy comes and gos. when i pee its doesnt burn or nothing just itchy no dischange or nothing no odor. i start using summer eve changing soap and washing stuff everything.but everytime i get on my peorid my vagina itch all that time. sometimes my ovaries hurt. i went to the doc. and the check my urine and my urine good no uti yi. i go to my gyn doc. in a week they have to re do my pap smear and getting check for stds. but why when my peorid comes on my vagina itch. and my bf got test for it and he dont have anything the one that ate me out. and i think i cant get prego

Can I Put Two African Greys In The Same Cage?

First of all, I personally wouldn't get another grey...focus your attention on your current grey. But if you're certain that's something you want to do...I wouldn't put them in the same cage, especially un-sexed. Perhaps put them in seperate cages but side by side. I have a CAG and he likes his own space but loves to come out and bond with me. I would worry about your current grey. He/she needs to have personal space and may not like having a roomate. On the flip side, he/she may bond so closely with the other grey that they won't want anything to do with you. If you keep them seperately, it's more likely they will still bond with you. I would get two cages and two playstands. Let them play together outside of the cage in the same room on their playstands, if you do decide to go with two.

I need to go to the gym or go out for a run or something to get into shape...?

in order to be ready for cross country and track next year since all of this year i was either sick or injured adn was out for both seasons. i just recently got better and now i feel so soggy and out of shape and cannot believe i let myself get to this point but i didnt really have much option with my situation. case in point: i have no self esteem now. i want to go out for a run or to the gym or something but i cant motivate myself to go do it unless there is literally no one possibly out at like 2 a.m. or something (and then curfew is in the way) because i dont want people watching or seeing me and i dont want to go out trying to run for 20 or so minutes and looking and feeling exceptionally un-fit when i cant get anywhere close and im red and gasping. advice? please?

My cockatiel wont eat, PLEASE HELP!?

I own thirteen breeding pairs of Tiels and have found that the males are not always the agressor in fights it sounds like your Shelly and Magoo had a falling out. First never take out the male you need to put him back as soon as possible. Start by taking out the hen a pair of gloves helps let her bite on the tip of a finger,and pull her out of the cage then put him in he should go in the box and sit on the eggs. Let her settle down you will be surprised at the mess she will make you really need to get her out before much longer because she will not mess in her box and can become very ill from holding all that waste inside her once she has evacuated give her a flat water bowl to splash in and some plain millet or corn chex, have never had a hen turn those down, and her attitude should mellow out. Then you put her back in the cage. She really should be spending her days out of the box. males sit the eggs in the daytime and females go in at night as a general rule but as with all couples every pair of Tiels has a different method I do have a pair that I often have to pull the hen out and yes he feeds her so she will stay on the eggs so he won't have to. Every morning I pull her out and put her on a perch over a newspaper to dump. Good luck with your pair