Friday, August 5, 2011

Can I Put Two African Greys In The Same Cage?

First of all, I personally wouldn't get another grey...focus your attention on your current grey. But if you're certain that's something you want to do...I wouldn't put them in the same cage, especially un-sexed. Perhaps put them in seperate cages but side by side. I have a CAG and he likes his own space but loves to come out and bond with me. I would worry about your current grey. He/she needs to have personal space and may not like having a roomate. On the flip side, he/she may bond so closely with the other grey that they won't want anything to do with you. If you keep them seperately, it's more likely they will still bond with you. I would get two cages and two playstands. Let them play together outside of the cage in the same room on their playstands, if you do decide to go with two.

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