Monday, August 8, 2011

What should I do about this guy I like?

Ok so I been going to this new school for about a year now. I guess now its not a new school. I will be going to it for the rest of high school. Any way I have been really close friend with this kid who is in almost every class that I have but we have became really close friend in reading. He sits by me and my friend who I will call J. Any way J make me laugh all hour and this guy he makes me laugh too. ( by the way J is a girl and that not her real name) So one day our reading teacher told me and and guy I like to go to the libary. I was very exected. But it ended up being really aqward. But on the way back I wasn't waching where I was going and slightly ran into a pole. So he laughed and I couldn't I tried to hold in my laugh becasue I hate my laugh. Any way the next time we passed a pole he ran into to make me laugh. And it was terrable , I couldn't stop and I couldn't breath so I beggan to sound like a pig gasping for air. When we got back to the class room I had stand outside the class room and try to stop laughing. Any way we ever we are in reading he is always staring at me. Well he sit right behind me in class. He use to be in a real serious realiship. But she was real bossy and rude and he hate her being so mean to him. So he broke up with her. But he still loves her ONLY as a younger sister though. He care for her but she doesn't want to be anythign with him. any way i have had this huge crush on him for the longest time. Then summer came. Me and my friend J took him to a amusment park. Though the only problem was that he didn't talk. Well he did but barly. You would have to talk to him for him to talk to you. Oh I also forgot to menchon J likes him too. But after she realised he wouldn't talk she stopped likeing him. He talked at school but I coulnd't fiuger out why he wouldn't at this amusment park. I told my friend J that I didn't like him any more becasue he was so un sosical. But on the car ride to his house. Me , J and the guy were all messing around . I was tottly firting with him i was untieing his shoes and everything. He was talking alittle but it was more than he did the whole time. I think I really like this guy but if I ddated him I would want him to talk to me. Do you think he will change? Oh and I invited him to my birthday and I don't want him to be a party pooper. Should I like him even though he is so un schoal and how do I change him so J doens't get mad at him at my b-day. I dont' want to change him but I don't what to do. He is such a nice guy but I'm so stressed out right now about J and him and this whole mess with him being so unsholal and J not wanting to see him , if he won't talk. Do I have a chance ahhh... HELP

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